Thursday, December 17, 2015


Famous or infamous? Villain or victim? Controversy has surrounded the Dingo in Australia but new research suggests that this iconic predator could be an ecological saviour and help to restore the natural order of the Australian bush. 
One of the greatest threats to the Dingo is interbreeding with domestic and wild dogs. While Dingoes in the past have been hunted and killed because of a perceived threat to farmed animals, the Dingo was listed as a threatened species in Victoria in 2008. From ‘vermin’ to a native Australian: it has been a long and hard-won battle for one of the few top order predators left in the Australian environment. 
Related to the Indian Wolf, the Dingo has become genetically distinct through isolation after its arrival on the Australian mainland around 5,000 years ago.
Unlike domestic dogs, Dingoes only breed once a year. Social hierarchy within a Dingo pack dictates that only the leaders breed. All members of the pack help to rear the pups.
Instead of barking, Dingoes howl to let neighbouring dingoes know where their territorial boundaries are. In a Dingo chorus each animal howls at a different frequency and pattern. This tells other Dingoes who and how many are in the pack. 

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