Thursday, December 17, 2015

Situation critical: save Victoria's at-risk ducks from shooting

Victoria's fragile wetlands — and the ducks who call them home — are in peril. Drought-like conditions are threatening habitats and animals alike, and driving them to the very brink of extinction. Take action today and help SAVE OUR DUCKS!

On a peaceful, misty morning next Autumn, a shot will ring out over Victoria's beautiful wetlands. The shotgun blasts will continue for weeks, and countless ducks will suffer and die — unless we take this chance to intervene!
This annual carnage is always a tragedy, but if the 2016 duck shooting season goes ahead it could spell the end for these threatened birds, who are already struggling to survive in historically harsh and inhospitable conditions.
The Victorian Labor Government is debating right now whether to allow the 2016 shooting season to commence — so ducks need you to speak up for them now more than ever!
Send an instant message to your Labor MP, asking them to urge the Environment Minister to cancel the 2016 duck shooting season.
  • Last time duck populations and environmental conditions were this dire, the shooting season was cancelled.
  • Waterbird populations are at their second lowest levels in 33 years.
  • Waterbird breeding was negligible this spring: ducks are essentially in 'survival mode', with regular surveys failing to see any ducklings.
  • Waterbird habitat has declined at an alarming rate over the past 12 months — and the extent of their wetland homes are at the lowest level ever recorded.

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